Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sleep or study, neither nor

I will start off by saying that right now I should really be either sleeping or studying. I have been cranky all day and I have finals tomorrow. However, I am currently doing neither of them. What I doing is giving a brief update before the semester ends and I'm gone. Gone until whenever and all that jazz.

First off, I would like to inform you people that I have just finished perhaps one of the sweatest anime series I have ever laid eyes on. The name of it is Samurai Champloo. It is "hip" if you will. It's a comedy/adventure/somewhat historical show. Break dancing turned sword fighting, a samurai with a beat-boxing follower, beautiful animation and a pretty good story help to make this animes one of the most fun and fresh that I have watched thus far. The characters may not have been as deeply developed as some of the other shows that I've watched but that really wasn't the point of this series. Final stance on the show, WATCH IT! I think that it's currently being aired on Adut Swim on chartoon network. While I enjoy watching shows from the begining and all the way through, it would still be worth it to catch the last half of the series or something.

OK, on to other things now. Let's see. I have finals starting tomorrow. Abstract and Spanish and then no other finals until Wensday. I don't really care all that much. Not to worried. Oh, getting away from finals now, I made a charater for a D&D campaign that I think I'm gonna be in next semester. It's gonna be tight. We're starting at really high levels and our characters are just gonna be insane. I'm pretty stoked. Hehehe, my charater throws daggers, has a ring of invisiblility, an x-ray vision ring and a cape that can become a pair of wings. So, I'm gonna be an invisible winged foe that you can't hide sweet is that. Well, I guess that if you're not really into role playing at all, it probably doesn't sound all that appeal. However, for people such as me, it's pretty tight.

Other stuff, other stuff. Hmmm....what more. Well, I don't really know right now except that I'm pretty stoked about X-mas break coming up soon. Talk to you all later and all that jazz. God bless.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Time for me to be 21

This is a few days late in coming, but I am now 21. For those of you who don't know, by birthday was the 3rd. I really didn't do all that much. No going out and getting trashed or whatever. Couple of reasons for that, one major one being that I am poor and have no money to spend on booze. Another reason would be that drinking really doesn't interest me all that much. Adam (my roomies) says that we're gonna go out drinking sometime before the end of the semester so we'll see how that goes. I did go out to eat with my mom, sister, and grandfather at Joe's Crab Shack so that was pretty fun and tasty. Then, I played some D&D that evening. Oh, so exciting. Well, not really, but it's all good :-P.

I participated in a euchre tournament Thursday night. Made it to the final game and then lost to my sister's team. How embarrassing. What's even worse is that the very final hand I knew approx where the red jacks were and I still lost it. I played clean the entire game but the last hand where I tried to give us a bit of an advantage and it failed miserably and backfired in my face. *sigh* That's what I get for trying to cheat I guess. The really sad this is that if I would have used my brain, I would have passed and it most likely would have gotten to my partner, who had a loner type hand in the other colour. So, I pretty much lost us the game by trying to cheat. Oh, I also lost us $75 each by trying to cheat. Moral of the story, cheating's bad but if you're gonna do it at least know what you're doing. (I didn't.)

Choir concert happened Friday. It went pretty well. Glad to be done with it though. Got the Christmas concert coming up soon though. I think that I scared the girl that rode in my car when I decided 3 meters from the Wendy's drive that I wanted to get a burger. There was a stench of burning rubber as we got out of the car to go inside. That was after the concert. Before the concert was interesting because I accidentally got off on the wrong exit and we found our way to the concert through different roads. We arrived a little late but somehow we weren't the last ones there.

Texas Hold 'em tournament taking place tonight. Hoping I can do fairly well. We shall see though.

OK, off the topic of pure happens now, I think I might try to be an RA in one of the underclassmen dorms next year. I really miss hall life but I don't wanna more back into one of those dorms just as some random student. Plus, RA's get free room and board and that would pretty much rock out.

And with that, I bid you all adieu. God bless and take care.