Sunday, April 03, 2005


i 7hi/\/k I 4/\/\ 60in6 70 13R/\/ 70 7Yp3 1337. iF U (3/\/ d3(0d3 7|-|i5 134\/3 4 (0m/\/\3n7.


Anonymous said...

i don't get it. but you are still way cool. ~ Janet

Anonymous said...

I got lost in the middle...but it was something like "hi......if you can decode this, leave a comment." I think. I'm gonna leave a comment though, cuz I tried

Anonymous said...

Nevermind...."I think I am going to learn to type 1337. If you can decode this, leave a comment." There, that's a little closer...woo, that's tough and i totally feel like a nerd