Friday, April 01, 2005


Disclaimer: I am emotional right now. I don't know how much this emotion is effecting my judgement so my feelings may or may not be the same by the end of the day and probably won't be the same by the end of next week.

I figured out why I am so frusterated with Karen right now instead of merely being sad and somewhat depressed like when we first broke up. I will not go into details because this effects more than me and I do not have the other person's permission to give the details. The general idea of my frustration though is that I feel that 90% of the interations that Karen and I have had since our breakup has been lies and the last set of them really make me upset. I really can handle the truth, but when you lie to me I lose the trust and confidence that I once had in you and without that trust I don't see how I can have a friendship. I have lost my trust in Karen. That is why being her friend again is going to be so hard because I don't have the trust in her that I once did. To the best of my ability I tried to be honest with Karen even after our break up. I feel that I have not gotten that in return and that really upsets me. Karen and I may be able to be friends again, but I doubt that it will ever be close friends because I'm just not sure I trust her enough anymore to let her be that much a part of my life.

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