I thought I'd just take a moment and comment on the amazing weather that God has sent to the Spring Arbor area. 70's is such a beautiful tempeture range (min 20's for you metric people). What is also fun is actually being active. Ultimate Frisbee and Tennis have been my activities as of late while I have been negelecting homework and it has really been quite fun. I really want school to be out so I don't have to worry about homework or other problems that come with school, but then I really don't because I'm gonna have to leave all my friends and I won't have anyone really to hang out with. It's quite the double edged sword.
While I'm not outside enjoying the weather, I'm inside on my computer or a game station (you didn't really think I would be doing homework, did you?). While I was off in that wonderful land we all know as the internet, I came across a picture that I feel is just to good not to share with you. This was taken off http://www.worth1000.com so you all now know where to go to get more awesome pictures like this :-D

If for some reason the picture doesn't pop up and you are still interested you can see it here cause I'm just to lazy to fix it and that's that.
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