Monday, November 21, 2005

Turkey Time!

I'm excited. It's just about time to go home for Thanksgiving. Heading out tomorrow after my oh so awesome Scientific Computing class. Yeah yeah. The oh not so awesome part about tomorrow of course is that I have an Analytical Chemistry test (Anal Chem for short). I think that this will probably be about the easiest test yet because I really don't think that we've covered all that much new material. Well, I sure hope that's the case because otherwise I'm pretty much screwed because I haven't put that much time into studying. I've looked at a lot of the assigned problems though and they don't seem all that bad.

Not really all that much going on other than that though. I will mention that I've picked up episodes 1-51 of Full Metal Alchemist and have found it to be very excellent. I have not finished all those episodes yet but def will before break is over. Wow, I've been watching way to much of this stuff :P.

Other stuff...ummm...I don't think there's anything to pressing going on at the moment so I think that's where I'm gonna end it. Ya'll come back now, ya hear? God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope that you have a good Thanksgiving. I will be at home doing my lovely homework like I always am. Anyways just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving.