It has been confirmed once again that I am almost to stupid to live. It's really amazing how someone like me even remembers to breath. The other day I went to sit down in the chair by my desk and I tripped over my audio cord that was plugged into the fron audio port of my computer. As if I wasn't having enough trouble with sound. Now the front port is completely jacked and the back port is 97.618364% jacked. Yes, I calculated that, don't question me. Anyways...I get one channel from my back port and I have to turn it up almost all the way to hear it at all. If anyone's looking for a good birthday (Dec 3rd, it's coming right up) or Christmas present, I have two words for you: sound card. I seriously need to go out and get myself a new one. However, the problem with that becomes that in order to buy things, you need money.
Which brings me to another point. I really need to get off my lazy butt and go get myself a job. This whole thing with having no income is not a good thing at all and I really need some money. Christmas is coming up and if I don't find something soon I'm not gonna have any money for gifts. Looks like mom's getting a piece of paper covered in macorroni this year. Oh wait, I don't have money for macorroni. Looks like mom's getting a piece of paper covered in pencil shards this year. Oh wait, I use mechanical pencils. Well, looks like mom's getting a piece of paper this year...
Other things in life. Well, let's see. I have stopped wasting my time in chat rooms all day. That's right. Now, instead of wasting 5 hours of a day in chat rooms, I am now spending that time watching downloa...borrowed animes. I know, I know, most of you people that read my blog are gonna be like "what the crap, why's he watching animes?!?!?1111?". The truth of the matter is that a lot of animes are not designed for children. OK, so you do have some like Pokemon and Digimon and what-have-you-mon that are, but there are quite a few really good ones out there. I sorta finished a couple of series in a the last few days. Yeah, spending way to much time on them. Here's the rundown from what I've found so far.
RaXephon: Good, but VERY confusing. Watch this if by the end of the series you want to have absolutely no clue what's going on. Helps with the rewatchablility though, I don't see how anyone could get everything the first, second, or sixteenth time through this thing. I've watched it about 1.5x through now. Once a couple of weeks ago and then the other half last weekend when my brother Alex was down here and spent the night (more on that later). Oh, this series also has some of the best opening and closing themes that I have heard.
Last Excile: I think this is my favorite so far (out of a whole 3). Plot wasn't as hard to follow as RaXephon but was still the main focus of the series, as any good anime should have it. The one thing that really made me sad though was that they killed off my favorite character in the end and I really wish they wouldn't have *sigh*. (I won't tell you who it is in case you ever feel so inclined to watch it, which I do suggest :P). Started this Monday night, finished it Tuesday night.
Trigun: Fairly good series. This one was the youngest audience oriented out of all of them though and at times it really showed. I enjoyed the last 4 or 5 episodes but the rest of it was mostly just ok in my opinion. Started this Tuesday night, finished it Wensday night.
And I'm currently downloa...borrowing Cowboy BeBop. So far I've borrowed and watched the first 2 episodes and am enjoying it. Has a very sweet opening theme song; a nice little jazz diddy.
I think that's about all the anime for now. I don't know if I'll downloa...borrow anymore after this one but we shall wait and see. (Actually, I'm pretty sure I will. These crazes usually last me a couple of weeks.) I will say that it's very annoying to be watching these things with very crappy sound right now. *sigh* It's my own fault though. What's not my fault though is that my optical mouse suddenly stopped working and I have no clue why. I'm not talking about the whole problem that I mentioned a few posts ago where it wouldn't work correctly with Gentoo Linux. I'm saying that the other day it just desided to stop working at all. All of a sudden the pointer stopped moving when I moved the mouse. I have no clue what happened but I'm guessing something broke in the actual mouse so that it's no longer sending a signal. Luckily, my friend Rob had loaned me a mouse to try in Gentoo anyways so I'm not without a mouse. However, the unfortunate things are that 1) it's not wireless, 2) it's a ball mouse and not optical and 3) it's white and therefore doesn't go with the whole everything black, silver, and LED blue of my computer. Well, something's better than nothing. If you're reading this Rob, thank you.
I mentioned early on that my brother came down for the weekend. I should probably point out that it wasn't just my brother. Although, he did just get his licence...on his forth try. My mother came down as well. It was really cool to be able to spend sometime with them. We went out to eat and then went as saw a movie, Charle and the Chocolate Factory. For those of you who haven't seen it, I was actually quite surprised that Johny Dep (or however you spell it) did such a good job as Willy Wonka. However, I was disappointed with the Umpa-Lumpas. Such is life I guess. After going out to the movie, my brother and I went back to my room and he tried out the new game that he bought (Jak 3) and then we watched some anime, went to sleep and that was that. None-the-less, it was very fun just to be able to chill with my brother for a bit and I'm pretty excited about having time off of school next week for Thanksgiving.
More exciting than Thanksgiving though is going to be Christmas. I love Christmas and can't wait to get home and see all my high school buddies again. Hannah left me a message on my facebook wall today mentioning the Christmas get together that is sure to be a blast. I tell you, it's still a month away and already I can't wait. Although, the thing about Christmas is that I've gotta buy gifts and, as I said before, I'm kinda lacking on funds at the moment...Oh well, I'm sure it will all work itself out in the end.
Well, I've been typing for quite a while now and think that I'm gonna be done. Got places to go, people to see. Wait, no I don't. I still have no life, lol. Oh well, I'm going anyways. Adios mis amigos. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you.
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