Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Priorities have been a bit out of wack...

My priorities have been a bit of out wack the last few days. (I'll bet you never could have guessed that from the title.) I have sorta been neglecting homework and not even for anything as noble as friendship--I have no problem what-so-ever with putting friends above homeowork. However, that has not been the case. I have been neglecting my homework by watching TV and chatting online. While these two things are fun and can be OK in moderation, when I spend 6 hours logged into a chat room I think that it's a sign of a problem. So, starting today until at least Monday, I am not allwoing myself to log into a chat room and am planning on severely limiting how much time I allow myself to talk to people online. If any of you see that I'm not idle, feel free to drop me a line and try to help me keep to this commitment. Chances are that I will merely be responding to an IM that someone sent me, but I will thank you none the less.

OK, so other than spending way to much time chatting, I am skipping Analyitical Chemistry today. This is a direct result of me not getting my homework done for Spanish because I spent the entire afternoon chatting yesterday. Yeah, it's really out of hand. Not a good reason to not get my homework done at all. So I guess this paragraph really wasn't something other than me chatting...oh well, such is life. Besides, this is my blog and I can do as I please :-D. Yah don't like it, make your own.

Well, I'm off to get my homework done now. All you who actually find my life semi-interesting, I'll never know what makes it so, but thanks for taking an interest. Blessings.

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