Friday, October 28, 2005

Long needed update

I really have no clue why I haven't updated my blog in so long. I haven't had all that much going on other than homework and what not and really that hasn't even been worse than normal. I guess I just have not had all that much to update with. Well, that's really not even the truth because there has been quite a bit that's gone on during this month. So, maybe that's the case. I've had so much stuff going on that somehow I didn't think that a blog update would do it justice or something. I do know what actually spurred me out of my complacency though. I got an e-mail today saying that someone had written a comment. I read it and found that it was actually some spam. I don't know why this made me want to update other than perhaps to complain about spam getting onto my blog. Anyways, enough of the rambling of the psycology of the possiblities of why I have not updated my blog in so long and onto the actual update.

There has been quite a bit that went on during the past few weeks. I think one the the earliest things is when Rob invited me to go to a bonfire type deal with him and his wife. I was one of the younger people there but it was still cool because there was smores and food and all sorts of good stuff. Plus the people were fun, and on top of all of that there were even a few guys that knew how to play the guitar and banjo and we had some good bluegrass music going down. It was pretty sweet. After the bonfire, Rob and I grabbed my computer from the dorm and took it to his house and proceeded to install Gentoo on it. He, being the profient person that he is, even bothered to custom build my kernel for me. Only bad thing about it is that for some reason my mouse doesn't seem to work right. I have never had problems with it before and the mouse that I was using at Rob's worked fine as well but nothing that I do seems to make my mouse work correctly. It's really quite frusterating and I'm thinking of just going out and buying a cheap mouse because I really want to be running Gentoo.

While we're on the topic of computers, I will also mention that last night I completely jacked up my Mandriva partition. I unistalled Open Office and then for some reason it wouldn't reinstall. So I decided to try to just reinstall the whole thing. For some reason my install disk was giving me errors and I decided just to install the new Mandriva 2006 from an FTP source since they don't have a full installation disks yet. Well, everything seemed to be going fine but for some reason the new Mandriva 2006 doesn't have built in support for my video card, even though 2005 did. I have the file that's supposed to build support bur for some reason my ethernet connection isn't being recognized so I don't have the internet and I can't seem to build the file from source either so I'm stuck with a Mandriva installation that I can't use X-windows in (because my video card's not recognized) and that isn't even connecting to the internet. *sigh* So at the moment I'm having to run windows--I hate Windows--becuase neither my Mandriva partition nor my Gentoo partition are working correctly.

What else has been happening other than more and more computer woes? Well, I applied for a job at Radio Shack. I wish that I could say that more happened other than me applying but the guy that interviewed me told me that if they were interested in employing me that they'd be in contact with me by Monday and it's Friday and I haven't heard from them yet so I'm kinda guess that I didn't get the job. Which really kinda sucks because I would have loved to work at Radio Shack. I've actually thought that it'd be cool to work there for quite some time *sigh* such is life I guess. I do need to get a job though because I really need some income.

Update on the whole chat room deal. I'm still going in there but it is not as addictively consuming as it was. I have actually met some pretty cool people in there and even one person that I was gonna get together with in real life to hang out with for a bit but so far all our attempts have been thwatted. First because I went to the wrong Starbucks, the next time because she got called into work the day that we were gonna get together, and the third becuase she got into a car accident the night before. Oh well, such is life I guess.

Give or take quite a bit, that has been my life that last few weeks. There was a lot more but I have decided that this is a good cutoff point and that I want to go and get some food. You all have a good one and hopefully it won't be another 3 weeks before I update again. God bless and peace out.

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