Monday, May 09, 2005

Good Evening/Morning

Today was my last Sunday ever here @ Spring Arbor as a student. I figured out today that my car gets about 34 miles to the gallon.

So that's really not the reason for this post though. This post is about this evening. I was in the libary with Josh and Jonathan and we had pretty much a mini-kitchen and coffee and fellowship and it was absolutely amazing. We were supposed to be writing papers and I did get a bit done but it was more the fellowship that was amazing than anything. I don't think I've had that much fun in quite a while. Then came about 2 AM when we were kicked out. I got back to my room at about 2:20 and realized that I wasn't tired in the least. So instead of trying to force myself to go to bed, I took a late night prayer walk to talk to God in a one on one type deal. I got a lot of praying done and God gave me a really cool view of relationships out of it as well and that's really the main reason I felt like posting tonight.

OK, here's the deal. Go through your life and pick out people that you're not sure you are on absolutely the best of term with. Now, imagine that they just died. Once you got over the initial grief and sorrow that said person just passed away, what would you feel? Would you feel that you did everything that you could to make that relationship good before they died or would you wish that you could have done something more? I'm not talking about changing things in the past, because that is impossible. What I'm talking about is if you would wish that you could have done something more to better that relationship before that person disappeared from your life forever. If you would have changed something, what's stopping you right now? Is your pride getting in the way? Are you afraid that it might be a little hard or difficult to talk to that person? Think about it, do those things really outweigh the fact that you really have absolutely no clue how much time you have with the people around you. It's not that there is not time like the present, it's that there's no time BUT the present.

I am by no means excempt from this. I fall just as short and probably shorting that a lot in putting these words into action. That does not make them any less true though. God, help us that we may wish to live with those around us how you wish to live with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

high five on being Simon Peter Schwartzentruber (i am pretty sure thats right). I am really gonna miss you next year...