Monday, February 26, 2007


Going crazy (if I'm not already there). Bout of mild depression. Stress, self-loathing. I don't know. I hate life right now. I hate me right now. Hoping I get hit on the way to school tomorrow. I don't really want to die, just go comatose for a few months, wake up and have to go through a rehab before I can really do anything. Lose contact with everyone so I don't have to worry about them anymore. Go back to not knowing anyone and having my nose in a book every free minute. Get a job that doesn't involve thinking for 50 hours/week. Making enough to live on but not enough that I can take vacations. Vacations give me time not to be in mindless, monotonous routine and bring about questions that I would rather not answer. Maybe take up drugs so that my mind doesn't work properly. Anything has got to be better than the shit that I feel that I have no reason to feel right now. At least if I had a shitty life, I'd have reason to complain.

(FYI, I did not proofread this at all. It is all how it came out of my head and I'm leaving it that way. This is seriously have I'm feeling right now and I don't want to tone it down just because I'm scared that I'll make people worry about me. It's not like I have to worry about that anyways. Nobody reads this fucking thing (ok, there might be one, MAYBE 2 people other than myself))

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I read this and you know it. :) I hope things slow down, I do not hope you get hit on the way to school though. Broken bones, coma, family worrying about you, not good. Sorry I was all bitchy the other night, if you want to talk you know where to find me and I'm always willing to listen even when I am in a bitch mood just tell me you want to talk I can be nice sometimes even if I don't act like it. I really hope things slow down for you and you get the things you want minus the whole car running you over thing. You're in my prayers friend.