Sunday, September 04, 2005

Haven't really kept to my word...:-/

OK, so for the 2 of you that still read this thing, I am sorry. I have not been keeping up with this thing in the least. I'm back in school and I have just not been making the time.

Now that my apologies over and all of the people who read this have forgiven me (if you haven't, suck it up, princesses) I will continue on attempting to inform you on what the crap has been happening in my life as of late. OK,hang onto your whatever you have because here we go!

I've been having classes and they seem to be going pretty well. I have Spanish where I'm remembering more than I really thought I would. That's no reason for me to slack though because soon we will be moving past just the review crap that we've been doing this first week. Test on Thursday and all :-(. If that was my only class, I would be very sad. As it turns out though, I am very, very sad because that is most definitely not my only class. I've still got quite a bit more to deal with. I also have Scientific Computing (which should be kinda fun) and instrumental Analysis. I also have analytical Chemistry and, to top it all off, choir. I think that this may be one of the first choirs where I feel that I'm going to have to work out of class to really get the stuff. Maybe it's just because I wasn't in choir last year, but the music seemed really hard. (I think that a lot of it is just that the music IS really hard.)

Where do things like classes get you in the grand scheme of things, though. It's all about the relationships. Without those, my life would be Vera shallow. So here's what's been happening with those darn complex interactions with other Homo Sapiens (yes, I'm talking to you, homo). I'm still really getting along with my roommate, which is really good. Not so much his alarm clock though. He tends to not wake up to it. Quite honestly, I have no problem what so ever with waking up 20 times in the morning to an alarm. It's just that I expect to be able to get back to sleep within the min. I don't expect to be up for 5 min waiting for my roommate to hit his snooze...*sigh*. Such is life I guess.

Last night was the coolest night that I've had in a long time. I actually went out and hung out with people away from my dorm room! A girl in my of my classes needed me to look over some of her HW to get a second opinion and brought one of her guy friends with her (who is a Linux person!) and after I looked over the homework we all decided that it was time to go out to eat and so we drove to downtown Indy and spent 1/2 an hour finding a parking space and just having a good time. Mary says that she's determined to be the first person here on campus that I feel comfortable actually calling my "friend" :-P. Nice girl.

Speaking of social events, my mom is coming down next week for some nursing stuff and after she's done, she and my sister and I are all going out to eat. Not only that, after that event I get to make my way down a bit farther south to go to choir retreat! It should be a fun weekend and I'm looking forward to this week coming and going so I can have more fun. Not that I won't have fun during the week as well, but I have to be in bed by a reasonable time on week days :-D.

Well, there's a ton more that I could probably talk about but I'm really getting kinda tired of trying to think what is note worthy and all so I think I'm going to wrap it up. One last thing for those that read this. I have been having a really hard time working in quite time and I really need to. Please pray for me, that I can get my priorities straight and put that into my schedule like it should be. Thanks. Goodnight and God bless.

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